The Birth of Fine Arts: from Louis XIV to Napoleon

Time: November 5, 2019 to February 29, 2020

Venue: Shanghai Museum, 201 Renmin Avenue, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Fee: Free

Type: Exhibition

Information provider: Shanghai Art Exhibition

Activity notes

Shanghai Art Exhibition (: focus on Shanghai exhibition, focus on Shanghai drama, gathered 250000 art lovers.  

Editor: Art_ Insh 2019, irregular welfare and fun activities.

Event details

A great Academy of fine arts with far-reaching influence on China

A magnificent art history of looking back on the classical and moving towards the modern

A group of famous masters and their masterpieces

From the National Academy of Fine Arts in Paris to the exhibition of the sun collection in Shanghai. The exhibition will display more than 80 pieces of art treasures collected by the National Academy of Fine Arts in Paris. Through various forms such as oil paintings, sculptures, prints, models, books and manuscripts, the exhibition will review the surging process of French art gradually reaching the top of European art since Louis XIV to the Napoleonic Empire.


1. About the National Academy of fine arts, Paris

As one of the most influential fine arts colleges in the world, the National Academy of fine arts of Paris (hereinafter referred to as Gaumei) is located on the Seine River and across the river from the Louvre. Its predecessor can be traced back to the Royal French Academy of painting and sculpture founded by Louis XIV in 1648. It is here that the "Academy of fine arts" system has made a decisive development: from apprenticeship to academy system, from craftsman to artist Led by LeBron, the college highly praised ancient Greek and Roman Art and Italian Renaissance art, and maintained the worship of ideal beauty. The teaching method is centered on sketching human body, accompanied by competition, study tour, salon and other systems. In the following two centuries, the system and artistic concept of the Academy once became the model followed by Western and even world art academies. Although the academies gradually declined, it is undeniable that the academy still has an important and far-reaching impact on the world art.


Paris Gome also has a very rich collection of architecture, painting, sculpture, printmaking, line drawing and artistic anatomy since the 16th century. It is mainly used to serve the teachers and students of the school. It is worth mentioning that through the selected works of the academy and the Rome prize, the collection of Gome in Paris has been continued. The exhibits in this exhibition are selected masterpieces, among which there are many winning works of the Rome prize that the students of the Academy of fine arts dreamed of at that time.

Paris Gome also has a profound influence on Chinese art. Today, many questions about Chinese art and art education can still be found here. Where does the art examination system come from? Is sketch training necessary? How to understand the human body sketching course of hot search? In the first half of the 20th century, Chinese fine arts are at the historical node of transformation. A group of Chinese artists went to France to study, and many of them were registered under Paris Gaumei. Among them are the famous Xu Beihong, Lin Fengmian, pan Yuliang, Wu Guanzhong, Wu fading, Chang Shuhong, Yan Wenliang, Wu Zuoren, LV Sibai, etc. These returned artists have greatly promoted the development of Chinese art and Chinese art education.

2. From Louis XIV to Napoleon

The Louis XIV is another name for Louis XIV of the Bourbon Dynasty. During his reign, France became the most powerful country in Europe at that time. Classical art in the 17th century was mainly for the praise of the king. In terms of artistic style, Baroque art or so-called Louis XIV style, which had strong decorative meaning at that time, was prevailing. After that, under the influence of the pursuit of happiness in France in the 18th century, Rococo art continued to be exquisite and elegant. What's important is that during this period, a set of art rules and academic system that has drawn experience from Italy and is suitable for France's own development and establishment has been established. The glorious history of the French Academy School, which has far-reaching influence on the world's fine arts, has been unfolded in the past two centuries. This is also one of the important clues through this exhibition.

With the development of the enlightenment and the French Revolution, artists were inspired by reason and science, and influenced by passion and turbulence. French art began to have profound changes. The artists represented by David opposed the delicate and frivolous painting themes in Rococo's later period, and promoted the innovation of classical epic tradition, hoping to give art the mission of carrying moral value again. Once again, people turn their eyes to the classical master Pusan, to anatomy and human sketching, as well as the artist's due cultural literacy and the burgeoning archaeology. The use of neoclassicism to refer to the characteristics of this period in art history will also be the focus of this exhibition.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Napoleon ascended the highest stage of French history. Law, public will and spirit of the times have become key words. David's student, angel, followed the tradition and completed a series of rigorous college training. By then, perhaps, the beginning of romanticism had been heralded.

From the Louis XIV to Napoleon, this exhibition will strive to reproduce the grand history of French art, which was defined, reached its peak and brewed new changes.

3. Masters and their works

The exhibition lasted from the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century. We try to sort out and show the situation of French and European art in this period. The exhibition will be divided into the following nine thematic units:

Renaissance: the origin of French art

The birth of modern artists

Louis XIV's Royal Academy of painting and sculpture

The art prosperity of the aristocracy

Human body aesthetics: confrontation between art and Science

The innovation of heroic painting in the period of Enlightenment

Art and Revolution: from David to angel

Archaeology and poetic aesthetics of ruins

From Royal College to academic school

Finally, it is worth mentioning that, at the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, most of the exhibits in this exhibition are also the first to come to China. The works of many artists who play an important role in the history of world art will also appear on the Expo, including Poussin, Fragonard, David, angel, Udon, Lude, etc. It is through these masters and works that we can connect this magnificent French art history.