2021-01-22 来源:艺术家提供

摘要:AppreciationoftheworksofWeiXin,afamouscontemporaryartistinShanghai 旅美著名当代艺术家魏新先生 Mr.WeiXin,afamouscontemporaryartistintheUnitedStates 


Appreciation of the works of Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in Shanghai


Mr. Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in the United States


  China's first ceramic enterprise, "Yidu Eurasian Ceramic Co., Ltd." and the famous Chinese contemporary artist Mr. Wei Xin, the world's first hand-painted art ceramic shower basin, at 23:00 on March 28, 2018, the whole of the Yidu Eurasian Ceramics Co., Ltd., the production line of the tunnel kiln No. 40 was fired successfully. They have made the pottery and porcelain products artistic and made the ceramic showers into a collection of valuable life works of art! They brought Chinese ceramic products into the world ceramic market, leading the new direction of the development of the world's ceramic products!


Mr. Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in the United States

  宜都欧亚陶瓷有限公司:位于湖北省宜都市陶瓷工业园区。公司拥有先进的技术设备,生产流水线及一批高技术专业人才。具有年生产各种尺寸,形状的陶瓷淋浴盆30万件以上的能力,产品经抗裂试验无裂纹,外观尺寸及变形量经检测符合GB6952-2005国家标准,产品通过欧洲CE 认证和尼日利亚SONCAP认证。公司以出口为主,其产品大多销往到欧洲、亚洲、非洲和美洲。

  Yidu Eurasia Ceramics Co., Ltd.: located in Yidu Ceramic Industrial Park, Hubei province. The company has advanced technology and equipment, production lines and a number of high-tech professionals. With annual production of various sizes and shapes of ceramic showers with more than 300 thousand pieces of ability, the product has no crack through the anti cracking test, the appearance size and deformation amount to the GB6952-2005 national standard, the product through the European CE certification and Nigeria SONCAP certification. The company mainly exports, and its products are mostly exported to Europe, Asia, Africa and America.


Mr. Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in the United States

  手绘陶瓷发明者中国著名当代艺术家魏新先生,经过十几年的陶艺研究,借鉴现代彩色釉陶工艺,创作出了全新的平面陶瓷生活艺术品。该陶瓷生活艺术品耐腐蚀、保存久、釉色经久不变,其色彩艳丽、变化富有天趣、民族风格纯正,是世界陶瓷之极品!陶瓷生活艺术品拿到了中国广交会进行宣传、推介和展示。 下一步,魏新先生还将研究世界各国的文化艺术,针对世界各国对文化艺术的不同需求进行创作。

  Hand-painted ceramic inventor, the famous Chinese contemporary artist Mr. Wei Xin, after more than ten years of ceramic art research, drawing on the modern color glazed pottery technology, created a brand new plane ceramic life art. The ceramic works of art are corrosion-resistant, long preserved, and glazed for a long time. They are colorful, interesting and pure, and are the best of the world's ceramics. Ceramic living artworks will be promoted, promoted and displayed at the China Canton Fair. Next, Mr. Wei Xin will also study the culture and art of all countries in the world and create different needs for different cultures and Arts in the world.


  Yuan Changhua, chairman of Yidu Eurasia Ceramics Co., Ltd., said, "change is strong, and invariance is eliminated by the times." The ceramic industry is entering the stage of super thermal competition, and how to win in this "survival battle", and the innovation and creativity will decide the outcome. The combination of Mr. Wei Xin's art and the European and Asian ceramic company's sanitary ware will greatly enhance the consciousness and ability of the independent innovation of the enterprise, and further improve the core competitiveness of the brand and the influence of Chinese ceramics in the world.


Mr. Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in the United States


  Wei Xin, a person from Jingzhou, Hubei province. Members of Chinese Artists Association, national first class artist, famous tourist beauty artist, President of China ceramic painting society, Chinese painting master, Chinese folk Photographer Association, Jingzhou International Chamber of Commerce, Hubei industry Career Technical College guest professor. His father was a famous painter and painter. He was influenced by young people and loved painting.


Mr. Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in the United States

  1986年,毕业于湖北工艺美术学校,之后师从李青萍先生学习泼彩画数年。1986年,受李青萍先生委托,筹办“中国的凡高李青萍画展”。1996年,出版铜版画《梦幻语》。1997年,毕业于华南师范大学油画硕士研究班,受教于尚扬先生工作室专习油画。2001年,出版线描集《梦幻一击》。2003年,出版油画、版画集《慧梦》。2003年作品《梦幻一击》入围全国第十届美术作品展 。2006年在“中国收藏文化博览会”上被评为“中国十大优秀画家”。2007年作品《天禅系列》入选全国十八届版画作品展览.上海美术馆。中国美术家协会举办。2008年在珠海古元美术馆举办魏新抽象表现主义绘画作品《神往圣洁的世界》巡回展。2008年《朔方风景》巨幅油画已被澳门艺术博物馆永久收藏。2008年巨幅油画《九歌》被入选并获奖由文化部艺术司、中国油画学会联合举办的《拓展与融合中国现代油画研究展》。中国美术馆展出。2009年油画《西域圣礼》入选并获奖2009中国大东方当代油画作品展。上海大东方当代艺术中心。中国美术家协会举办。2009年广东卫视拍摄魏新艺术生活纪录片《第七日》获2009中国国际纪录片入围奖。美国、澳大利亚、法国、英国、西斑牙、香港、台湾等十二国家五月同时播出。2010年攻读清华大学美术学院现代油画研究生班。2010年在香港中华亮宝楼举办中国近现代名家系列展魏新抽象油画艺术展。2011年攻读中央美术学院油画系材料表现艺术研究访问学者。现正在研究本土纯天然颜色的综合拓展运用。互相矛盾的事物也可以完美地结合在一起,东西方文化可以形成美妙的链接。2013年5月出版精装画册《魏新多媒材艺术》中国油画迹象系列。2013年6月赴意大利佛罗伦萨专攻西方古典坦培拉绘画技法与材料研究。2013年8月在上上国际美术馆举办《意象悟道当代油画个展》。2013年12月出版大型精装画册《意象悟道》魏新绘画研究个案。2013年12月为绘画大师李青萍先生编写《青萍残影》二十八集电视连续剧剧本。2014年10月在上上国际艺术中心举办《迹象系列多媒材個展》。2014年9月多幅作品入选“亚洲艺术四十年当代艺术展”,2014年在纽约市立大学美术馆展出。纽约市立大学美术馆专为魏新先生举办了大型个人画展。2015年5月参加第三届中国国际友谊艺术展中《迹象系列》入选并获奖。上上国际美术馆展出。2016年7月举办《陈明华.魏新艺术展》上上国际美术馆展出。2016年9月《永乐宫壁画临摹展》漆画作品获优秀作品奖。中国美术家协会主办。2017年5月《迹象——封存的记忆》入选2017中国当代艺术联盟年度大展。并获金奖。上上国际美术馆展出。历年来,有多幅作品被国外重要艺术机构和私人收藏。多次参加全国美展及海外联展。魏新的艺术创作给人们蒙蒙打开了心灵与自然之间的那扇窗。现定居北京宋庄,并任中国国际图书出版社副社长。主编《李青萍画集》、《郭方颐画集》、《陈少平画集》、《魏启铭画集》、《孙滋溪画集》等大型画集。珠海圣艺文化传播有限公司艺术总监、“中国国际航空航天博览会”会标设计者。


Mr. Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in the United States

  In 1986, he graduated from the Hubei arts and crafts school, and then studied Mr. Li Qingping for several years. In 1986, entrusted by Mr. Li Qingping, he organized the "Van Gogh Li Qingping Art Exhibition" in China. In 1996, the bronze engraving "dreamland" was published. In 1997, he graduated from the master's degree course of oil painting of South China Normal University. Mr. Yu Shangyang's studio was specialized in oil painting. In 2001, the line drawing set "dream hit" was published. In 2003, oil painting and edition collection "Hui Meng" were published. In 2003, "dream strike" was selected for the Tenth National Art Exhibition. In 2006, he was named "the ten outstanding artists in China" at the "China Collection Culture Expo". In 2007, "Tian Zen series" was selected to be the eighteen national print exhibition. Shanghai Art Museum. The Chinese Artists Association held it. In 2008, the exhibition of Wei Xin's abstract expressionist painting "sacred and holy world" was held in Zhuhai Guyuan Art Museum. The huge oil painting of the 2008 Shuo Fang scenery has been permanently collected by the Macao Museum of art. In 2008, the great oil painting "Nine Songs" was selected and won the award by the Arts Department of the Ministry of culture and the Chinese oil painting society, which was held jointly by the Chinese oil painting society. The Chinese art museum is on display. The 2009 oil painting "sacrament of the western region" was selected and won the 2009 China Eastern contemporary oil painting exhibition. Shanghai Oriental Contemporary Art Center. The Chinese Artists Association held it. In 2009, Guangdong satellite TV captured Wei Xin's art life documentary "seventh days" and won the 2009 China International Documentary Award. The twelve countries of the United States, Australia, France, Britain, West plaque, Hongkong, Taiwan and so on were broadcast in May. In 2010, I went to Graduate School of modern oil painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University. In 2010, he held the exhibition of Wei Xin's abstract oil painting exhibition of Chinese modern famous series in Hongkong China Liang Bao Lou. In 2011, he studied the visiting scholar of the oil painting department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. We are now studying the comprehensive utilization of native natural color. Contradictory things can also be perfectly integrated, and Eastern and Western cultures can form wonderful links. In May 2013, it published a series of Chinese oil painting series of hardcover album Wei Xinduo media art. In June 2013, he went to Florence, Italy, specializing in the study of Western classical painting techniques and materials. In August 2013, at the upper International Art Museum, the exhibition of imagery and contemporary oil painting was held. In December 2013, a large hardcover album "image understanding" was published in Wei Xin's painting research case. In December 2013, he wrote the twenty-eight episode of TV series drama for the painting master Li Qingping. In October 2014, we held the "sign series multimedia exhibition" at the upper International Art Center. Many works in September 2014 were selected for the forty year contemporary art exhibition of Asian art, and exhibited at the Art Museum of New York Municipal University in 2014. The art gallery of New York City University has held a large-scale personal exhibition for Mr. Wei Xin. In May 2015, "the series of signs" was selected and won the third China International Friendship Art Exhibition. On display at the international art gallery. In July 2016, the exhibition of Chen Minghua Wei Xin art was exhibited at the international art gallery. In September 2016, the lacquer painting of Yongle Palace murals exhibition won outstanding works. Sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association. In May 2017, "memory of sequestration" was selected as the 2017 annual exhibition of China Contemporary Art Association. And won the gold medal. On display at the international art gallery. Over the years, many works have been collected by important art institutions and private collections abroad. Many times participated in the national fair and overseas joint exhibition. Wei Xin's artistic creation has opened the window between people's mind and nature. He is now in Songzhuang, Beijing, and vice president of China International Book Publishing House. Editor in chief, "Li Qingping's collection of paintings", "Guo Fangyi's collection of paintings", "Chen Shaoping's collection of paintings", "Wei Qiming's collection of paintings", "the collection of Sun Zi Xi" and so on. The art director of Zhuhai Saint Arts Culture Communication Co., Ltd., the designer of the logo of "China International Aviation and Astronautics Expo".


Mr. Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China


Ceramic life art (ceramic luxury) R & D team activity site


Group photo of ceramic life art (ceramic luxury) R & D team activities


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works (part)


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works


Wei Xin, a famous contemporary artist in China, appreciates ceramic ware works